Artist Mark Cullen
Featuring Artist Mark Cullen
30th June’14 until 21st July’14
The Exhibition will be officially opened by Theo Dorgan, Poet and Writer On Monday 30th June’14 7.00pm – 9.00pm
“ART” at The House Restaurant returns for it’s third show. The new show features established Artist Mark Cullen.
ART at the house is a collaboration between Karl Dillon of The House Restaurant and Cathy Boyle – a former Director of the Blue Leaf Gallery. Its aim is to provide a strong supportive platform for emerging, mid career, and established artists.
“One of the most exciting things about Mark’s paintings is that you can read the process
of enquiry in the works themselves. From one work to the next, you can see how Mark has
taken different angles on the same subject matter, or tried out the same painterly language
on different subject matters, always with a sense of getting a better handle on ways of
expressing what fascinated him in the first place. You can also read the mark-making within
each work. When an artist leaves marks for you to read, such that you yourself can feel the
paint being applied, the artist is letting you know that you are to come along on the journey
of enquiry. This always makes for generous inclusive painting.”
Peter FitzGerald (Editor of CIRCA Art Magazine).
Mark Cullen
Born: Dublin, Ireland, 1960. In my current work I apply oil paint to canvas or board with various palette knives and brushes to form common and everyday objects, or familiar sea and landscapes. Lines and shapes are marked out with charcoal. Paint is layered on, then partly scraped back with palette knives, or scratched out with screwdrivers, ends of brushes, or pencils. Charcoal and graphite have become an important part of my mark making and are often left exposed so as to include a sense of the beginning of my work. Washes of oil or thin layers of scraped on paint are juxtaposed with heavy loads of paint layered with knife around what appear to be nervous and irregular lines but in fact are defining lines made
with an absolute assuredness. I play with depth, dimension, scale, and perspective so there is an uncertainty about the plane of the subject. My interest lies in texture and the simplicity of form and line rather than the detail, but always giving the sense of place or object.
For further information on this exhibition see or contact
Cathy Boyle 0868124846 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.