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The Baily Art Exhibition

Spotlight on The Baily

Photography of John McColgan

For twenty five years the Baily lighthouse has looked over me.  In recent times I have
taken to walking out to the same patch of land in front of the cottage with my iPhone to
capture the Baily in its myriad forms - by season, by night, by day, in fog, in sun, in rain,
in storm.
I am fortunate to look out the kitchen window, observe the light and within seconds be
there on the spot to capture the majesty of the lighthouse, the sea and the sky.
I used the iPhone as it was designed for use - balanced precariously on the railings
A combination of my location and the speed and convenience of the iPhone enabled me
to capture the essence of the Baily and its environ.
Moya encouraged me to present this exhibition and with the support of my mentor Peter
Gordon I compiled, selected and prepared sixteen images from over two hundred taken.
This exhibition is dedicated to the Baily’s other half - the men and women of the RNLI
who risk their lives going to sea in all weathers to save lives.  Founded in 1824 ninety
seven per cent of the crew in RNLI are volunteers, neighbours, friends, locals from
Howth and beyond.  A staggering one hundred and forty four thousand lives have been
saved since its foundation.
Lighthouses represent hope and safety, a symbol of guidance that illuminates the night.
Howth Head, and the Baily’s place in the Irish psyche is long established. On Howth
Head Leopold Bloom proposed to his future wife Molly Bloom.  Gertie McDowell
comments ‘the evening and the clouds coming out and the Baily light on Howth’ while
Joyce reminds us of the ambivalent nature of the sea the Baily patrols - “The Sea, the
snot green sea, the scrotum-tightening sea.

The Baily history is long and colourful.  Opened on March 17th 1814 it was automated
one hundred and eighty two years later in 1996.  Sadly several ships perished off the
Baily, most notably the QS Queen Victoria which sank on a stormy night in February
1883  …. Eighty passengers and crew were lost. I hope these images will make the Baily
- and Howth - a place we cherish while the RNLI continues to ensure no more should
perish in our waters.
Thank you to Cathy and Karl in the House restaurant, a wonderful place to gather for
conversation, excellent cuisine and art.
Thank you to Donal Skehan for his support and the generosity of his time for such a
great cause.
Thank you to Moya Doherty and Peter Gordon for their invaluable support.
Thank you to those of you who will contribute to Howth RHLI by purchasing or gifting a
framed photograph from Spotlight on the Baily.

All profits from this exhibition go to the Howth RNLI in this their 200th anniversary year.  I
have supported the RNLI in the past with the Howth Horizons suite of photographs
curated and managed by Cathy Boyle and Karl Dillon here in The House Restaurant
eight years ago.  I hope Spotlight on the Baily will be of as much interest as the previous
John McColgan
October 2024

Henry Longfellow- The Lighthouse
"Sail on! it says, sail on, ye statelyships!
And with your floating bridge the ocean span;
Be mine to guard this light from all eclipse,
Be yours to bring man nearer unto man!"

2023 Spring / Summer ‘Art at’ The House Restaurant Group Exhibition

‘Art at’ The House Restaurant

Group Exhibition featuring a selection of new works by Invited Artists Aoife Scott, Dave West, Naomi Taitz Duffy, Caterina Rossi, Pamela Leonard Heidi Wickham, Leonard Sexton, Sorca O’Farrell and Steve Browning

Exhibition Runs from Tuesday 25 th April until 5 th June Image: Dave West Howth Harbour – Oil on Canvas

Leonard Sexton Exhibition

Leonard was born in 1965. His family moved to skerries in Ireland around 1970. However, his path to becoming an artist was not an easy one. He struggled with a sense of alienation throughout these formative years. From a young age, he showed a passion for Art and spent countless hours studying the works of the old masters. As he grew older, he began to develop his own unique style. Despite the resistance of family and friends who encouraged him to pursue a more practical career. Leonard decided to attend art school in Dublin. It was there that he first discovered the works of James Joyce, the celebrated Irish novelist. He was immediately drawn to Joyces' use of stream-of-consciousness narrative and his ability to convey the complexities of human emotion through simple everyday language. Leonard began to incorporate these techniques into his own art, using bold sweeping brushstrokes to capture the essence of his subjects and convey the turmoil and joy of the human experience. He quickly gained a reputation as a rising star in the Irish art scene, and his work was featured in galleries and exhibitions across the country. He was hailed as a brilliant and original painter. Critics praised his ability to capture the raw emotions of the human condition in a way that was both powerful and disturbing. He was said to be one of the most promising young artists of his generation. As Leonard's career continues to flourish his paintings are celebrated as powerful and moving expressions that are deeply personal and universally relatable. And yet despite his success, he always remained humble and grounded, never forgetting the people's struggles. He hopes his work captures the true spirit of the emerald isle and the people who call it home.

Heidi Wickham - visual artist

Heidi Wickham is a visual artist based in County Sligo. Having completed her BA (Hons) in Fine Art at Bristol University, Heidi moved to Sligo and initially became involved in various aspects of theatre – writing, set & costume design.

She turned to charcoal drawing in 2004 and found a real love for the medium as well as for the subjects which she portrays. Her work has become synonymous with capturing a wide range of animals both domestic and wild. Heidi has documented endangered species such as the bee and the polar bear but is perhaps best known for one of her most loved subjects – the hare.

Heidi exhibits regularly in The Doorway Gallery Dublin, The Hyde Bridge Gallery Sligo, the RHA , RUA, RSA Open Exhibitions, Whalley Fine Art Belfast, The Eakin Gallery Belfast, The Greenlane Gallery Dingle, Boyle Arts Festival and more.